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Alma E. Long, joined the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 275 in June 1989. She was a supporter of The American Legion Post 275 and the Sons of The American Legion. Alma was First Vice President, Chaplain, Chairperson of the Fund­ raising Committee and on the Executive Committee of the Auxiliary Unit. Alma originated the Beatrice P. Martin Scholarship Fund.  She raised $1,000 or more per student for college every year. Everyone who knew Alma loved her because she was so loving and so unique. In her honor the scholarship was renamed in November 2004 to The Martin & Long Memorial Scholarship Fund. We will strive to continue the work her hands begun.

We have so much to be thankful for. If not for her trust and persistence in our own individual talents, we would not be the people that we are today. One of her Auxiliary Sister had this to say: "she walked softly and carried a big stick."

Our only regret is that if you missed the opportunity to have known this great lady, then you've missed a great deal.

Established in 1998, the Scholarship Fund is named for Beatrice P. Martin, a long-standing member and participant in the aims and purposes of the American Legion Auxiliary. She was called "Mama" by so many that few knew her by name. Mama was feisty, outspoken, strong- minded, determined and independent. There was never any doubt of where you stood with her. However, she was also witty and humorous when she turned on the charm.

During her last years she changed her residency from Baltimore to Lanham, Maryland, where she developed lasting and loving friendships of neighbors who also tacked on her the label of "Mama". Becoming a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and being a member of the Ladies Sodality was her greatest joy.

She also joined the Glenarden Seniors Club and reactivated her member in the American Legion Auxiliary of Glenarden Unit 275 of which she claims almost 30 years of services.

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 275 presents The Martin & Long Memorial Scholarship Fund annually to an individual(s) chosen on the basis of their high school records, character, leadership abilities, talents, community involvement and financial need. The recipient(s) will be selected by a committee of judges who represent the standards of the American Legion.

This Scholarship will provide talented high school seniors with additional opportunities to continue study above the high school level all in the memory of Beatrice P. Martin, Alma E. Long and Evelyn Johnson


Attention High School Seniors: Scholarship applications are now available.

Please contact:

Theresa Johnson



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Mrs. Evelyn Johnson, was a founding member of Glenarden American Legion Auxiliary Unit 275. She was a member for more than 50 years. During Mrs. Johnson’s membership in the American Legion Auxiliary she served as Unit President for Glenarden Unit 275 for 31 consecutive years. She has also served as Vice President, Chaplain, Color bearer and Membership Chairman at the Unit level.
Mrs. Johnson also served on the department level as the Veteran Affair and Rehabilitation chairman which allowed her to be able to serve veterans at the DC VA medical center. She really enjoyed going there to volunteer at the Bingo parties.
Mrs. Johnson was elected as the first African American Southern Maryland District President, serving in 1993-1994.

Mrs. Johnson loved dancing and her enthusiasm was infectious. You could always be sure to find her leading the dance and spreading an encouraging word. Her leadership was the foundation to which Glenarden Unit 275 was built. Those who served with her truly admired her leadership, friendship, and belief that our unit was going to be the best unit in the Department of Maryland.  In her honor the scholarship was renamed in February 2021 to The Martin, Long and Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Martin Long & Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund

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